Entries by Dr. Michael Ratto, DDS

Get a Dental Exam This Week

Our dentist in Turlock, CA, Michael Ratto, DDS, provides comprehensive dental care for the community. According to theAmerican Dental Association, every child and adult should have a dental exam at least twice a year for optimal oral health. However, in some cases, patients are recommended to visit twice annually. Find out if you are a […]

Can Calcium Restore Tooth Enamel?

Calcium is known for keeping teeth strong. It’s also a key building block for tooth enamel, which is also known as the hardest substance in your body. Enamel protects teeth from decay and keeps the interior of the tooth from harm. When these two things are linked, it can be easy to confuse how they […]

The Big Toothpaste Lie

Are you wondering what the big toothpaste lie is? Well, believe it or not, the amount of toothpaste you’re using probably isn’t what yourdentist in Turlock, CA recommends. Yet somehow, the big toothpaste lie continues to perpetuate. So let’s bust this myth right now. What Is the Big Toothpaste Lie? Do you grab your toothbrush and […]

How Your Dentist Can Help with Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea in Turlock, CA, is more serious than you might think. The disorder causes you to stop breathing anywhere from a few to several seconds several times each night. Some people with sleep apnea remember waking up gasping for air the next morning, while others have no recollection of their breathing difficulties. If you […]

Why Dental Cleanings are Crucial For Your Health

Brushing and flossing are fundamental daily routines that we are all aware of, but this may not be enough throughout your life to prevent cavities and other oral diseases. The team at Progressive Health Dental of Turlock, CA, is proud to serve the local community with outstanding dental care services, including regular dental cleanings, which is the […]

Is Cosmetic Dentistry Right for You?

Cosmetic dentistry is a form of dentistry that involves procedures aimed at improving the appearance of your smile. This includes services like teeth whitening and dental bonding. While cosmetic dentistry isn’t for everyone, many people can benefit from these procedures. Keep reading to learn more about cosmetic dentistry to determine if it’s right for you. […]

Best Ways to Avoid Periodontal Disease

As your dentist in Turlock, CA, can tell you, periodontal disease is one of the few diseases in the world that is completely preventable. With the right oral care practices and lifestyle habits, no one needs to get periodontal disease to the point where there is tooth loss. Here are some of the best ways to […]