Should I Put a Knocked-Out Tooth in Milk?

Have you ever been told you should put a knocked-out tooth in milk and thought it was a myth? If so, you are not alone. There are plenty of dental myths out there, that’s for sure. So we are going to tell you what a dentist in Turlock, CA says about whether or not you should put a knocked-out tooth in milk, and if so, why.

Should I Put a Knocked-Out Tooth in Milk?

Yes, you should, in fact, put a knocked-out tooth in milk. This is not a myth. And even though that sounds strange or counterintuitive, there is a good reason for it. Of course, it’s always best to put your knocked-out tooth back in its socket when possible while you make your way to the dentist. However, if you can’t, putting your tooth in a glass of milk is recommended.

Unfortunately, the first thing people try to do when they knock out a tooth is put it in water. But that’s not what you should do. Putting your tooth in water could cause the cells on your tooth’s root to swell and burst. That’s where milk differs. Milk has enzymes that help a knocked-out tooth stay alive. It also has sugars that your tooth needs, as well as proteins that will help maintain the correct balance of acids and antibacterial components.

Keeping Your Tooth Moist Is Critical

A knocked-out tooth is considered a dental emergency. If you knock out a tooth, do the following immediately.

  • Try to put your tooth back into its socket.
  • Hold your tooth in place by biting a towel until you get to the dentist.
  • If you can’t re-insert your tooth, put it in a glass of milk.
  • If you don’t have any milk handy, put the tooth in your cheek while you are going to the dentist. Don’t put your tooth in water.

If you can’t save your tooth, your dentist will go over your options, such as a dental implant in Turlock, CA. However, you should always do everything you can to save it whenever possible. Always act quickly and never handle your tooth by its root. When handling your tooth, always handle it by the crown (the top white part of the tooth). Additionally, you should never try to re-insert baby teeth, only adult teeth.

What’s Next?

If you need a dentist in Turlock, CA, or any of the surrounding areas, please Contact Progressive Health Dental today. We consider our patients part of the family and strive to make sure everyone receives the highest quality dental care possible in a warm and welcoming environment.

What’s the Difference Between a Dentist and an Orthodontist?

Dentists and orthodontists both assist patients in improving their oral health, but they each treat different conditions, and in different ways. The practice of dentistry is a comprehensive medical field that deals with teeth, gums, nerves, and the jaw. Orthodontics is a subspecialty within the field of dentistry that deals with occlusion, correction of bite correction and crooked teeth. Your dentist in Turlock, CA can tell you more about this distinction.

Commonalities Between Dentists and Orthodontists

A dentist and an orthodontist share certain commonalities. An orthodontist can technically offer the same services as a dentist, because they also hold a dentist’s license. Both professionals work with the teeth and gums and jaw and are considered physicians.

Differences Between a Dentist and an Orthodontist

Orthodontists specialize in assisting patients with tooth alignment, bite improvement, and the fitting of corrective braces and gadgets. They treat these conditions in particular. A dentist will recommend a patient to an orthodontist if he or she has an overbite. When that has been taken care of, the dentist will take over long-term treatment of the patient. Often, a patient who suffers from things like overbites and underbites, overcrowding of teeth and gaps between teeth, will see both an orthodontist and a general dentist so that all of their needs can be attended to simultaneously. For example, if a patient is treated with braces, they will be treated by the orthodontist and also have visits with their dentist.

What Are Dentist Specialties?

A DDS-licensed dentist in Turlock, CA can take care of a wide range of treatments, including teeth whitening, dental crowns, dental veneers in Turlock, CA, extractions, bonding, periodontal care, sleep apnea, dental implants, full and partial dentures, and much more.

You can rely on Progressive Health Dental for all of your dental needs. Contact us to book your appointment today, or to get more information about our services.